Instructions on ς-energy Food and TCM Prescription

The utmost important points need your attention are: Validity date, Time to take soup (dosage), Temperature of the soup, and prepare the Tang Fang precisely.

  1. Prepare the Tang Fang (prescription) precisely; each printed copy of Tang Fang is for 3 days, one dosage per person per day. That is to prepare 3 similar sets of ingredients according to each Tang Fang.
  2. Decoct 1 dosage per day, fill with water at least 10 cm above ingredients
  3. Initially use strong fire to decoct then turn to use slow fire after boiling, decoct the soup till 1/3 of a rice bowl
  4. Taking the soup twice a day, no need to eat dregs (ingredients left over after decocting)
  5. Take the soup punctually, according to stated time schedule and temperature of the soup
  6. Medication Potency/Effectiveness Multiplier : following are multipliers of the soup medication potency/effectiveness, it is like turbocharger, it is the uniqueness of TCM, and the most valuable and distinguishing feature of Chinese culture :
  7. Discard used prescription or unused prescription that has exceeded the expiry date immediately; Discard the prescription by tearing it into pieces and throwing into trash can (to prevent others contact the discarded paper) or burn the prescription (beware of fire);;
  8. Under emergency situation where no time to decoct soup, just leave the printed prescription under the pillow or close to body.

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